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The Ideal Experience, They Deliver
As is our family tradition, the Mahoney clan retreats to a lovely resort each winter just before the turn of the new year. It’s a boisterous, quiet, exciting, relaxing time, and easily one of my cherished times of the year,…
The Bane of My Existence, RFPs Are
138 pages. That’s the length of the last RFP response I worked on. Seriously. RFPs are simply one of the worst customer experiences anyone might possible encounter. They are often complex documents, requiring assemble of resources from all across an…
Got Married, the Last of Us Did
Ahh, siblings. Love them, tolerate them, avoid them, you can’t always help but be related to them. Lucky for me, my brothers and I have grown closer over the years, and this year was a great year for The Brothers…

Leaving us, all my heroes are
This really must stop. I fully recognize that this is an impossible request, but really: you must stop leaving me. I’m shattered to report that my uncle, Col. George M. Connell, USMC (ret) passed away yesterday. Appropriately, many of us…

Until Morale Improves, Continue the Beatings Will
It’s easy to forget that the relationship between employer and employees is not just an analogue to businesses and customers. They are, for all intent and purposes, exactly the same. There is an exchange of goods and services (work) for…

Time to Fire Your Customer, It Is
In my role as a strategic solutions consultant, I work with my colleagues to accomplish two objectives: understand what our customers are trying to do and why, and effectively communicate the power of our solutions. A recent conversation with one…
Source of Good CX, the Holidays Are
Ahhh, holidays. I use that word, holidays, in both senses: a break from the regular working life usually spent with friends and family that often involves travel, and the traditional celebrations occurring near the end of the calendar year. They…
The Stone, the Windshield, and the Army
It was turning out to be just another typical Tuesday: up at oh-dark-thirty, in the car, on my way to a client meeting. In this case, I was on my way to a U.S. Army post. And then, The Stone. …
Tools of the Trade
OK, I admit it: I’m a bit of a geek. I love Dr. Who, Star Trek (In all its incarnations. Yes, even Enterprise.). I love playing with new technology, but only if that technology is something useful. I’m not all…